Le Tacot Cathare – guided tours

If you want to visit Albi and its surroundings in an original and friendly way, the Tacot Cathare is for you! Go in a 2CV with our tour guide to discover our territory and its history for an unforgettable experience!

Le Tacot Cathare was created in 2020 by Marc Fanals, a tour guide who loves his region and vintage. The idea is to mix these two passions by offering visitors an unforgettable moment to discover Albi and its surroundings aboard a one-of-a-kind vehicle: the 2CV.

Because, it must be recognized, the 2CV is a car apart! Although production ceased in 1990, it continues to arouse a great deal of sympathy to this day!

These walks will take you through the alleys of the Albigensian city and the roads of the Tarn, accompanied by a tour guide who will share this moment of conviviality with you. In other words, it is a fun and unusual experience!

The proposed walks are unique in the region! These intimate trips, hood up, will allow you to see these sites from a new perspective. This is the opportunity for you to discover the Tarn, but not like everyone else.

Marc and Griotte (the name of our 2CV) will take you on a ride where you take the time to appreciate the present moment.

Tours departures can be made by appointment from Albi or from your vacation spot.

Do not hesitate to make an appointment with us so that we can explore the most beautiful sites in the department together!

Informations supplémentaires

Animaux acceptés : Non

Langues parlées

  • French